Welcome to the Book Club for Lewisburg's Fifth Grade!

We are about to embark on a journey. A journey through the pages of books. You might find it adventurous, or humurous, scary, and maybe even suspensful, but rest assured you will enjoy the venture. Hang on for the ride that will take you everywhere but you won't have to leave the room...

Thursday, March 31, 2011

I am on my way...are you with me?

Good Morning Blogger friends...your loyal rrrrrreading buddy has done it again!  I have completed yet another book!  How many books have you read now??  I hope you have read at least one book by now and maybe even taken a test!  Mom says I am doing great for a 2 year old pup!  I am so proud of myself and I am proud of all of you as well!

Thank you so much for all of the nice comments!  If I could purr I would!  But dogs are better at wagging thier tails...uhhhmmm I don't have much of a tail, but believe me I was wagging all over!  you guys are way too kind...no wonder mom loves going to work every day!

So I am learning about plot now and mom says I have to give her the plot of my story tonight.  Can you guys give me some hints as to what plot is?  It sounds like a really hard word to me!  I know I will get 100% on my assignment if you all can help me with my homework!

Keep up the GREAT job reading and bark back when you can!

Your loyal paw,

Wednesday, March 30, 2011

The Black Beads...

Well now that we have been suspended in the prose writings of chapters 20 and 21 I have to ask you this....

Do you think the beads are a trap?  Will they be waiting in the cave for her?  Explain to me why or why not?

Do you think she will leave with the Aleuts?  Why?

If you could title this last chapter what would you name it?

I am very excited to read the next chapter and I can not wait to see what happens!  I wonder how long she has been alone now....

Ready, Set, Go!!!

Hey boys and girls, have you started your Reading Counts Goals yet??  My mom said I needed to get started and that I needed to beat you all this nine weeks!  I read my first book this morning while I was eating my granola bone for breakfast.  Mom says that eating breakfast is just as important as reading every day! 

What book are you reading right now??  I found this book called City Dog, Country Frog by Mo Willems for my first book.  I have to say that I would love to find a friend like frog to play with, but it would probably worry mom to death if I was outside by myself like that!  The pictures in this book are wonderful, but mom says this book is probably not on my level.  You have to be sure you are reading on your lexile or she will let you know about it, won't she?

Anyway...have a great day and don't forget to....Read!  Oh and you really need to post to your teacher's last post.  She has questions that she wants you to answer and remember it is for points!  Can't wait to hear from you!

Your loyal doggie pal,

Tuesday, March 29, 2011

Island of the Blue Dolphins the final chapters...

This chapter could  not have come at a better time!  Wow! I can just smell the flowers and hear the birds singing as the island wakes up from winters gloom...great imagery was used in the creating of this chapter for sure!

In chapter 18 Karana captures two baby birds and keeps them for pets.  I am sure some of you can make a connection with this! If you have a connection please share!  I loving animals like I do, have had countless turtles, snakes, spiders, mice, chickens, cats and such in my life time! She said that she named one Lurai, which is a name she wished she was called instead of Karana.  Is there another name you would have like to have been called?

It seems that Karana is very talented and can make just about anything...what talents do you have?  What can you make or have you made?

Can you draw a conclusion from chapter 19... Explain to me what a devilfish is and why you know this?

Become an expert and tell me about the nature that is on Island of the Blue Dolphins.  What would I see if I were to visit there?