Welcome to the Book Club for Lewisburg's Fifth Grade!

We are about to embark on a journey. A journey through the pages of books. You might find it adventurous, or humurous, scary, and maybe even suspensful, but rest assured you will enjoy the venture. Hang on for the ride that will take you everywhere but you won't have to leave the room...

Monday, February 20, 2012

Passionate Poetry!

We have learned not only to become passionate about poetry, but to also learn just how to read it and really honestly understand what it means.  We have learned that poetry can have many elements, but some that we have recently focused on are mood, tone, consonance, line breaks, rhythm, rhyme scheme, alliteration, and repetition; just to name a few.  You have also written at least two poems by this point.  Our first poem was an acrostic poem, where we used our own name to create a thematic list of words or phrases that described us.  We had a lot of fun with those and I learned so much about you all!  The second poem we have written is called a found poem.  So far the ones I have seen are WONDERFUL!  Please post your found poems here and include what elements you think they have!

Our unit on poetry has turned out so well!  I have really enjoyed the poetry that you have all written and decided how better to share it then to have you post it right here in our blog!  Just remember NO last names and don't forget to give the author of the book you used credit!  I can't wait to see them here!
~Mrs. S